A safeguard against crises, a way to diversify a portfolio, a stable investment mainstay, and a safe haven – this is how gold is viewed by the 90,000 satisfied customers who have joined IBIS InGold on a journey towards a brighter financial future.
IBIS InGold offers its customers a wide range of services, keeping the tradition of gold alive in the modern era. Many clients appreciate this and are increasingly taking up the option of incremental savings, a system that works to their advantage by averaging out the purchase price. They like the signature‑free contracts, product flexibility, easy portfolio management via a mobile app, and secure, transparent account management.
“Precious metals have accompanied humanity down the ages. Gold has withstood countless economic fluctuations and continues to shine. Today, it is essential for this traditional, secure investment to keep up with the times. That is why we are constantly innovating, simplifying and tailoring our services in response to the needs of our customers,” says Petr Špičák, IBIS InGold’s marketing director.
While iiplan®, iiplanGold®, and iiplanRentier® are savings products designed for retail customers, investments in precious metals are going to become more accessible to businesses as well. IBIS InGold’s latest project is iiplanMax®, a corporate gold account that it started piloting this June alongside the revolutionary InGold PAY® payment system for online payments in gold, with market launch slated for next year (see “Gold for the 21st century: IBIS InGold combines traditional value with the modern payment options offered by InGold PAY®”). This shows that IBIS InGold is not only making the purchase of a traditional safe asset more accessible to its customers, but is also opening up new secure ways for them to tap into their gold reserves.
“We set great store by the trust placed in us by each and every one of our clients and business partners. We remain firmly committed to our motto of ‘We make people independent’. We are convinced that gold really can play a role in financial independence and that it will yield long‑term returns for investors,” concludes Petr Špičák.