Bar ID security system

VERISCAN™ is a unique, non-destructive technology that enables investment gold bars and coins from our partner, the PAMP refinery in Switzerland, to be authenticated instantly and securely.

Create a safe haven for your savings

Gold is proud of its origins

You don’t need to have a bundle of money lined up. You don’t have to make a hefty investment. You can start with a small amount. When you buy coins and bars incrementally, you benefit from the effect of purchase price averaging. By investing regularly in precious metals, you also minimise the risk of buying bars and coins at a time when their price has peaked.

Unique gold bar surface finish

Each investment bar or coin has a unique and unmistakable microscopic surface that can be compared to human fingerprints.

A record of the surface is made at the time of production and entered into a database. From this point on, it can be verified at any time that the gold investment bars and coins have genuinely been issued by the PAMP refinery and have not been altered.

All that glitters is not gold

These days, counterfeit gold looks very real and, at first glance, is almost indistinguishable from genuine gold.

We always try to stay one step ahead. We offer you gold that can easily be verified with VERISCAN™ technology. Simply scan your bar or coin via the mobile app or special scanner and hook it up to the PAMP refinery’s database.

VERISCAN™ verification always in your pocket

Download the VERISCAN™ app and enjoy all the benefits it has to offer. The easiest way to authenticate bars and coins is always at your fingertips. This app is free.

VERISCAN™ authenticates your bar or coin instantly, virtually anywhere, with no need to wait for lab test results. As PAMP holds the patent for this technology, this verification method only works on bars and coins issued by this refinery that have the VERISCAN™ logo on their certificate.

What exactly is VERISCAN™?

Verification + scan

VERISCAN™ is a name coined from a combination of the words “verification” and “scan”.

Questions and answers

Yes, you can have your bar authenticated at our head office by calling to make an appointment. However, please note that only bars and coins produced by the PAMP refinery can be verified. All series prepared for this type of verification have the VERISCAN™ logo on the certificate.
You can also verify the authenticity of a bar using an iPhone mobile app. This app is compatible with the iPhone 7 and newer models running iOS 15 or higher.
The surface of each bar or coin has a unique microscopic metal texture similar to a human fingerprint. VERISCAN™ is used to analyse these distinctive properties of registered products. Every detail of the surface of a bar or coin is recorded during production and entered into a database. From that point on, it is easy to verify whether the bar or coin was issued by the PAMP refinery and whether it has been altered or modified in any way.
The surface is recorded both with and without the certicard (packaging), which is actually the certificate for the bar. With smaller bars and coins, the surface on the front and back is recorded. For larger bars, a record of all six sides is stored in a database – this makes for better identification and increased reliability.
Verification may occur repeatedly – for example, upon a change of owner. VERISCAN™ requires a high-quality application with access to the refinery’s database, where the surface details of each bar and coin it has issued are stored. The product’s authenticity is verified by comparing its surface profile with the digital record created during production.
The main advantages of this new system, which instantly and reliably identifies the authenticity of bars and coins issued by the PAMP refinery, include its low cost, ease of handling and, most importantly, the fact that it keeps the tested bar or coin entirely intact. In other words, there is no need to melt the bar or coin to verify its fineness and authenticity.